Sunday 15 September 2024

DIY Sunday!

Hi readers! Today, we'll be doing a DIY Sunday, something we haven't done in a while, to celebrate our 50th post! We'll be writing about how to make a pressed flower bookmark!

Materials required:
-Various leaves or flowers
-Glue, yarn, string, or ribbon

1) Place the flowers and leaves inside a thick book for 3-4 days.
2) Cut a cardstock as per the size you want your bookmark to be.
3) Use your pressed flowers/leaves to make a design on cardstock.
4) Glue the flowers and leaves to your bookmark.
5) Cover the bookmark with clear contact paper.
6) Punch a hole through the top of the bookmark and tie a ribbon.
7) Enjoy using your eco-friendly bookmark!

Here's what it should look like:

Credits: We got all of this information from this link-

Sunday 8 September 2024

Resource Depletion (50th post!)

 Hi readers! For our 50th post, we will be writing about resource depletion. Read on to find out more!

What is resource depletion?

Resource depletion is the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. Natural resources are commonly divided between renewable resources and non-renewable resources. The use of either of these forms of resources beyond their rate of replacement is considered to be resource depletion.

How is resource depletion harming our environment?

The unsustainable use of natural resources has led to their depletion and caused significant environmental damage. Over-exploitation of resources such as forests, minerals and water has resulted in pollution, loss of biodiversity, and soil erosion. Air Pollution, water pollution, solid wastes, agrochemicals, radioactive wastes, greenhouse effect and global warming, ozone depletion, improper resource utilisation and deforestation are some of the main causes of depletion of natural resources.

Here are some ways to prevent this issue:

1) Make Electricity Use More Efficient.

2) Use More Renewable Energy. 

3) Promote Sustainable Fishing Rules. 

4) Avoid Single-Use Plastics. 

5) Drive Less. 

6) Recycle More and Improve Recycling Systems. 

7) Use Sustainable Agriculture Practices. 

8) Reduce Food Waste.

In conclusion, natural resource depletion is a critical issue that requires urgent attention. We must act now to conserve these precious resources and adopt sustainable practices to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for our planet and all its inhabitants.

Here are some images to show you how resource depletion is harming our environment:


Thank you all so much for reading and supporting our blog! We are so happy to have made a change and inspired others around us to help save our environment. 49 posts have flown by, and we are overjoyed that this is our 50th post. This is a huge milestone for The Sunday Bloggers. See you soon, readers! 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Glacier Melting

 Hey readers! Today, we'll be teaching you about glacier melting and its impact on the environment. Read on!

What are glaciers?:

Glaciers around the world can range from ice that is several hundred to several thousand years old and provide a scientific record of how climate has changed over time. Through their study, we gain valuable information about the extent to which the planet is rapidly warming. They provide scientists a record of how climate has changed over time.
Today, about 10% of land area on Earth is covered with glacial ice. Almost 90% is in Antarctica, while the remaining 10% is in the Greenland ice cap.

Why are glaciers melting?:

Since the industrial revolution, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have raised temperatures, even higher in the poles, and as a result, glaciers are rapidly melting, calving off into the sea and retreating on land.

Even if we significantly curb emissions in the coming decades, more than a third of the world's remaining glaciers will melt before the year 2100. When it comes to sea ice, 95% of the oldest and thickest ice in The Arctic is already gone.

Fun facts:

1)The melting of glaciers could result in the release of viruses that could be trapped in them for thousands of years!
2)Rapid glacial melt in Antarctica and Greenland also influences ocean currents, as massive amounts of very cold glacial-melt water entering warmer ocean waters is slowing ocean currents. And as ice on land melts, sea levels will continue to rise.

Some pictures:

Note: 1 post away till 50!

Sunday 25 August 2024

Shopping wisely

 Hi readers! Sorry we haven't posted in a while, we were on our break! Today, we'll be teaching you about shopping wisely. Read on to find out more!

What is shopping wisely about?

Shop with the environment in mind—that is, 
buy products that help conserve natural resources, save energy, and prevent waste. Green purchasing can also mean not buying things you don't need. By educating yourself about the products you buy, you can make a difference in protecting the environment.

Some tips on shopping wisely:

  • Shopping from the farmers market for groceries as there is no plastic packaging.
  • Instead of buying your own products, try making them at home.
  • If you don't want to shop at a farmers market, bring a reusable bag with you.
  • Make a list and only buy those items to prevent waste.
  • Support Small Businesses
  • If you're buying clothes, buy some of them secondhand.
  • Buy as many organic products as possible.

Some inspirational images!

Note: We are only 2 posts away till our 50th!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday 9 June 2024


 Hi readers! Sorry for not posting for a long time! Today, we'll be writing about waste and its environmental impact.

What is waste?

Waste are items that have been discarded and are no use to us anymore. They are a silent threat to the environment.

What is waste's environmental impact?

Waste that is not segregated and thrown into landfills are a huge breeding ground for major diseases which are produced from harmful chemicals in waste like lead and cadmium. Even contaminated water bodies can host all manners of horrible diseases. These diseases can affect animals, plants, and people alike—improperly processed waste is horrible for the health of all living things.


Some tips to segregate your waste are:

1) Recycle items that can be recycled.

2) Try making your own products.

3) Live a minimalist lifestyle- only buy the things you really need.

4) Compost at your house with food peelings and scraps.

5) Conserve water and energy.

6) Try buying items with lesser packaging.

Here is an image of just a little of the waste we produce:

Note: We weren't be able to post for a long time as our summer break is going to begin soon and we will all be travelling! Also, we are only 3 posts away to 50!

Saturday 25 May 2024

Biodiversity Loss

Hi readers! Today, we'll be writing about biodiversity loss. Read on to find out more!

What is biodiversity loss?

Biodiversity loss refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity, understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, its different levels of biological organisation and their respective genetic variability, as well as the natural patterns present in ecosystems.

What are the causes and why does biodiversity matter? 

Biodiversity, or the variety of all living things on our planet, has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution and climate change.

Facts about biodiversity:

1) Biodiversity loss is the extinction and reduction of plant and animal species and ecological diversity.The past 50 years have seen a rapid growth of human consumption, population, global trade and urbanisation, resulting in humanity using more of the Earth’s resources than it can replenish naturally.

2) Loss of biodiversity undermines ecosystems' abilities to function effectively and efficiently and thus undermines nature's ability to support a healthy environment. This is particularly important in a changing climate in which loss of biodiversity reduces nature's resilience to change.

3) Climate change is causing biodiversity loss, and biodiversity loss is causing climate change. This is because we are destroying and degrading ecosystems releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than burning fossil fuels

4) Biodiversity loss endangers human's health by affecting soil and water(negatively), which are fundamental to food production.

Here is an image of biodiversity loss(the before and after):

Note: We are just 4 posts away from reaching 50 posts, everyone. Thank you again for all your support!

Sunday 5 May 2024


 Hi readers! Today, we'll be teaching you about mangroves and how much they contribute to the environment. Enjoy!

What are mangroves?

mangrove is a shrub or tree that grows mainly in coastal saline or brackish water. Mangroves grow in an equatorial climate, typically along coastlines and tidal rivers. They have special adaptations to take in extra oxygen and to remove salt, which allow them to tolerate conditions that would kill most plants. 

What do mangroves do?

Mangroves provide essential habitats for thousands of species. They also stabilise shorelines, preventing erosion and protecting the land — and the people who live there — from waves and storms. Mangroves also provide a place for fishes to lay their eggs.
Benefits of mangroves:
In the right environmental conditions, mangroves can store the carbon they took from the atmosphere for decades, centuries, or even millennia.
  • Mangroves protect against extreme weather and disasters.
  • Mangroves are a haven for threatened animals.
  • Mangroves boost food security.
  • Mangroves can bounce back naturally.

Here is an image of mangroves:

Note: We are just 5 posts away from 50 posts! We all want to thank you again for all your support, teachers and our readers!

DIY Sunday!

Hi readers! Today, we'll be doing a DIY Sunday, something we haven't done in a while, to celebrate our 50th post! We'll be writi...