Saturday, 29 April 2023

What are the Pillars of the Food Chain?

Hey readers!Do you know about the pillars of a food chain?If not, never mind.The pillars of the food chain consist of three parts: producers, consumers and decomposers. Without these parts, the food chain would collapse!

Facts about pillars of the food chain:

1. Producers can make their own food and energy.

2.Living things that have to hunt, gather and eat their food are called consumers. Consumers have to eat to gain energy or they will die. There are three types of consumers: omnivores, carnivores, herbivores.

3.Decomposers feed on dead things: dead plant materials such as leaf litter, wood and animal carcasses. They perform a valuable service as Earth's cleanup crew. Without decomposers, dead leaves, dead insects, and dead animals would pile up everywhere.

4.Herbivores are called primary consumers, carnivores and omnivores are called secondary consumers and carnivores who don't have any predators are called apex predators.

Here is an image of the food chain with producers consumers and decomposers:

Give a biological explanation for 'All the food chains begin with green  plants'.


What is the most endangered marine animal on Earth? What can we do to save it?

Saturday, 22 April 2023

All about Earth Day!

 Hey readers! Happy belated Earth Day! Earth Day was yesterday on the 22nd of April. Today we are going to go deeper into earth day and it's history. But even though earth day comes once a year, make everyday earth day! Its not only this one day where we should take action to save the planet! Don't be a part of the pollution..... BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION! 

Facts on Earth day:

1.Earth Day was started because of a need for environmental protection against global warming, oil spills, endangered animals, fossil fuels, plastic waste, and much more.

2.Millions of people gathered together to march and create awareness about our planet’s environmental problems.

3.They chose this day because they wanted college students to participate. April 22nd was between their spring break and final exams.

4.Invest in Our Planet is the theme for 2023.

5.America was consuming vast amounts of gas and industry belched out smoke and sludge. This all changed when Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was published. It raised awareness about the environment. Then the government organised protests and the streets, parks and auditoriums were filled with people. This became known as Earth Day. Earth Day is on the 22nd of April.

6.The first Earth Day was in 1970.

Here is a picture:

Earth Day Images - Free Download on Freepik


What are the pillars of the food chain?

  • Sunday, 16 April 2023

    What are the UN SDGs?

    Hey readers! Today we are writing an article on the United Nation's[UN] Sustainable Development Goals[SDGs]. So..... what are the SDGs? SDGs are goals that work towards making the world a better place. They were adopted by the UN in 2015 as a universal call to protect the planet by 2030.

    Here are some facts on the UN SDGs:

    1.There are altogether 17 SDGs.


    2.The 17 SDGs are about to be achieved through targets, and their success is measured with indicators.
    3.Among the 17 SDGs, one can find goals related to social development, environment protection, industrial development and cooperation between developed and developing countries.

    Here is an image of all the SDGs:

    NEXT TIME...

    All about Earth day!



    Sunday, 9 April 2023

    Special Edition


    Hi everybody! For this Sunday Blog we are doing a special edition where we are asking people about what actions they have taken. We will also be telling them about what they can do to make a change. We got our information from the book that our class teachers posted on Microsoft Teams. 

    Here are some actions you can take to help the environment:

    1-Turn off the lights when you’re not in the room.Unplug appliances when you’re not using them.


    2-Bring your own cloth bag when you shop. You won’t need a plastic bag from a store if you carry your own reusable bag.


    3-Recycle paper, plastic, glass and aluminium to help stop landfills from growing.


    4-For short distances bike, walk or take public transport. Save the car trips for long distances or when you’ve got a big group.


    5-Talk to your family about what you can all do to make a difference where you live.


    6- Organise beach clean-ups to save the marine life.

    7-Try to plant a tree whenever you get the opportunity!

    Here is a picture of kids who have taken action and decided to clean the beach:

    Saturday, 1 April 2023

    DIY Sunday-Make rocks with inspirational messages!

     Hi everyone! This DIY Sunday we will be making rocks with inspirational messages on them [messages related to the environment]

    This is all you will need:

     A rock that has a smooth surface[any rock is actually fine, one with a smooth surface is just easier

    A pencil

    Some markers/paints


    1: Take a rock with a smooth surface and think of a message you want to write on it [the message should be related to saving the environment. For ex.: Save the Ocean! or Stop polluting!].


    2: Write your chosen message on the rock using a pencil [you can be creative by adding designs too!]


    3: Outline everything with a black marker.


    4: Colour/paint the rock and the designs.


    5: Display!

    Here's how it should look:



    Pollution problems in Delhi

     Hi readers. Sorry for posting so late, but we've all had a really busy weekend! Delhi is one of the most air-polluted cities in the wor...