Saturday, 27 May 2023

What is Bycatch?

 Hi readers!Have you ever heard of the term bycatch?If not, don't worry.Today we will we telling you more about it.Enjoy!


Wherever there is fishing, there is bycatch—the incidental capture of non-target species such as dolphins, marine turtles and seabirds.


1.While most bycatch research occurs in marine freshwater, freshwater bycatch is an understudied yet likely important threat, particularly for endemic species with small home ranges. Conservation solutions. Many tactics have been tested to reduce problematic bycatch.

  •  4.Possession of gill-nets is illegal in some U.S. states and heavily regulated in others. Fish are getting trapped in these gill-nets that are illegally used.

    5.We can reduce bycatch by using pole and line. Some fisheries simply use poles and lines to catch fish, greatly reducing the risk of bycatch. With this fishing technique, fishermen catch one fish at a time and can more easily release any unwanted catch from their hooks. Many canned and fresh fish are now labeled as pole and line caught.

    6.The type of gear that is used to catch fish is an important variable in the bycatch equation. Depending on the specific target species, small changes in net design or hook shape and size can drastically reduce bycatch.

    Here is a picture of a bycatch turtle:


    NEXT TIME...

    World Environment Day!

  • Saturday, 20 May 2023

    Interview Sunday-Beach Clean up!

    Hey readers!Today we have come up with the idea of Interview Sunday.We are going to interview people who have taken the initiative to save Earth. This Sunday, we have interviewed 2 children have made a difference by cleaning a beach called Carter beach. Within a few weeks, they have found a poor sea turtle entangled in plastic(it was too late to save it) and a decomposed cat who had eaten the plastic. Make sure this doesn’t happen and animals don’t suffer by not littering the oceans and beaches!If you are anywhere close to this beach, join every Saturday and bring our clean and green world back!

    Names:Alyssa and Gunranak.

    Why:We wanted to be responsible and balance the ecosystem.It's quite dirty, but we will do anything to save the planet.

    Process:They collected 650 kgs in 1 week. First, the plastic is collected and is loaded in a truck. Then, it goes to a company called GreenMena and is recycled to make eco-friendly plastic.

    Facts on Plastic pollution on beaches:

    1. 3.5 million people get sick from being in contact with sewage while swimming.

    2. It is estimated that beach pollution affects 800 species of wildlife around the world.

    3.100,000 turtles and marine mammals, such as dolphins, whales and seals, are killed by plastic marine litter every year around the world. Plastics are the most common man made objects sighted at sea, with 18,000 pieces of plastic litter floating on every square kilometre of the world's oceans!

    4. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste estimated to be in our oceans. 269,000 tons float, 4 billion microfibers dwell below the surface. 70% of our debris sinks into the ocean's ecosystem, 15% floats, and 15% lands on our beaches. In terms of plastic, 8.3 million tons are discarded in the sea yearly.

    Here is a picture of Alyssa and Gunranak cleaning Carter beach:

    Saturday, 13 May 2023

    DIY Sunday-Make your own coral reef!

    Hi readers!Today is DIY Sunday and we are teaching you how to make your own coral reef!Enjoy! 

    Things you will need:

    1- A box

    2- Paper

    3- Pencils

    4- Scissors

    5- Colours

    6- Scrap material

    Now that you've gathered everything you need,LET'S GET STARTED!


    1- Prepare your box.

    2-Draw some coral and some fish on the paper(colour them too!).

    3- Cut them out!

    4- Stick them on your box(you can make pop-outs!).

    5- Decorate the box in your own creative ways!

    6- Display!

    Here is an example of how it should look(you could make it look different too!This is just a reference for people so they know how it should look!):

    Sunday, 7 May 2023

    What is the most endangered marine animal in the world?What can we do to save it?

     Hey guys! We are back on the Sunday Blog! Today, like any other Sunday, we are giving a fact based on what we have learned in school and talk to all of you about it. Today, we are discussing the most endangered marine species. If you feel this topic has really made you inquire, scroll down to learn more!

    The most endangered animal is the vaquita. Here are some facts on it:

    1-The vaquita has unique facial markings of a black ring around each eye and black curved lips.

    2- It lives on only one place on the planet- the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico.

    3- Only about 10 individuals remain on the planet!

    4- They are often caught or drowned in illegal gillnets.

    5-  Since their discovery, the vaquita's population has dropped 95%!

    6- Vaquitas feed on small fish, crustaceans (such as shrimp), and cephalopods (such as squid and octopuses).

    7- Vaquitas are notoriously shy, only surfacing to breathe. They try to avoid boats with active engines.

    8- Its name roughly translates into “little cow” because of the rings around its eyes and its docile nature.

    9- They have a small group size which makes them uniquely difficult to study. They usually swim in pairs or alone.

    10- They are the smallest porpoises on Earth and belong to the cetacean family.

    11-The vaquita is about 5 feet long and is one of the smallest members of the dolphin, whale and porpoise.

    12-The vaquita's scientific name is Phocoena sinus.


    Pollution problems in Delhi

     Hi readers. Sorry for posting so late, but we've all had a really busy weekend! Delhi is one of the most air-polluted cities in the wor...