Sunday, 7 May 2023

What is the most endangered marine animal in the world?What can we do to save it?

 Hey guys! We are back on the Sunday Blog! Today, like any other Sunday, we are giving a fact based on what we have learned in school and talk to all of you about it. Today, we are discussing the most endangered marine species. If you feel this topic has really made you inquire, scroll down to learn more!

The most endangered animal is the vaquita. Here are some facts on it:

1-The vaquita has unique facial markings of a black ring around each eye and black curved lips.

2- It lives on only one place on the planet- the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico.

3- Only about 10 individuals remain on the planet!

4- They are often caught or drowned in illegal gillnets.

5-  Since their discovery, the vaquita's population has dropped 95%!

6- Vaquitas feed on small fish, crustaceans (such as shrimp), and cephalopods (such as squid and octopuses).

7- Vaquitas are notoriously shy, only surfacing to breathe. They try to avoid boats with active engines.

8- Its name roughly translates into “little cow” because of the rings around its eyes and its docile nature.

9- They have a small group size which makes them uniquely difficult to study. They usually swim in pairs or alone.

10- They are the smallest porpoises on Earth and belong to the cetacean family.

11-The vaquita is about 5 feet long and is one of the smallest members of the dolphin, whale and porpoise.

12-The vaquita's scientific name is Phocoena sinus.


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