Sunday, 13 August 2023

Creative Customisations!

 First of all, readers so sorry we couldn't post the blog as it was our summer vacation, but the good news is, we're back online!So, let's get back to our topic!

What are creative customisations?

We don't necessarily need to throw our trash, not just talking about plastic. We don't really need to throw paper, plastic, and many others. Today we will be teaching you how to creatively recycle your everyday materials, to make everyday materials!

Here are some everyday materials that you can use and also what to make with them!

1.Plastic Bottles :

You can easily recycle plastic bottles. If you were short on stationary, you could simply cut a plastic bottle in half, fill one half with pencils, pens etc. and just pop the other half on and you are good to go!

2.Old clothing:

You could recycle old clothing by giving it to your younger siblings, though if you don't have any, you could be creative like NGO's and create an umbrella!

3.Toilet paper rolls:

With toilet paper rolls, you can create a variety of things! Though we will stick to one, you could create something simple like a pencil stand, or something extreme like binoculars.

Here's an image of the plastic bottle pencil stand!:

That's it!Hope you enjoyed and learned about creative customisation!

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