Saturday, 16 September 2023


 Hi readers! Today, we're doing MythBusters, where(as the name states!)we will be stating some shocking myths that you might have thought were true!Hope you enjoy!

1)People who don’t think we should act strongly to stop climate change are just ill-informed.

Reality: A sample of over 1,500 representative U.S. adults revealed that those who felt climate change was not much of a risk scored as well or better than those worried about climate change when given standardized tests of numeracy or scientific literacy. So if you really care about doing something about emissions and climate, do not make the mistake that those who disagree with you do not know the science or are in any sense not as well-informed or as smart as you are. Instead, think about why their positions make sense within the framework of their social values and how to talk about climate change in terms of those values.

2) Climate change and other environmental challenges are not affecting us personally..

Humans are cutting down trees to make room for more buildings. But we never consider that trees are the main source of oxygen on this planet! Without trees, we wouldn't be able to survive! Mother Earth doesn't need us. But we need her!

3)Scientists disagree on the cause of climate change.

Contrary to popular belief, scientists do not disagree that climate change is happening and that it is caused by humans. Various analyses over many years have shown that between 90% and 100% of publishing climate scientists agree that humans are the main cause of our warming climate. Many studies have evaluated the  scientific consensus, use of our warming climate.  but the most famous, which as of this summer has been down but the most famous, which as of this summer has been downloaded 1 million times, is this 2013 paper quantifying that agreement at over 97%.they can't make a difference. It's true, carbon dioxide(CO2)makes up a tiny fraction of heat of the atmosphere, less than a tenth of a percent. But because of carbon dioxide's powerful heat-trapping greenhouse properties, it's presence makes a huge difference.

4)Carbon dioxide levels are tiny.

They can't make a difference. It's true, carbon dioxide(CO2)makes up a tiny fraction of heat of the atmosphere, less than a tenth of a percent. But because of carbon dioxide's powerful heat-trapping greenhouse properties, it's presence makes a huge difference.

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