Sunday, 24 September 2023

Interview Sunday: Round Square

Hi readers! Today, we're interviewing people from the Round Square, a group that spreads awareness on the environment and stands up for things like inequality, racism, etc., just like our blog!

Interviewee name: Myra Baijal

1) Why have you joined the Round Square?

Ans-I had first joined as I was selected for the Round Square co-curricular. While I was in the co-curricular, I realised that I enjoyed making presentations, raising awareness and coming up with interactive activities to encourage others to help the environment and society. It was also really good to participate with many different people from different grades as well.

2) What have you contributed to it?

Ans-I only recently joined Round Square, but I took part in two events. The first one was Earth Week. In Earth Week, I helped organise the eco-bricks that our school made and teach the other grades how to make them along with other students. I also became a mock audience for a postcard that the older class had created. Thats when I also learnt that providing feedback for such events like postcards are also important. In the Round Square co-curricular, we were allowed to present fun activities and videos to do with any cause we believed in like gender equality and the environment.

3) How is this making a difference towards protecting the environment?

Ans- Round Square has IDEALS. The E in IDEALS stands for Environmentalism. In Round Square we promote helping the environment by spreading awareness. But we also take action like how we did in Earth Week. Eco-bricks help the environment as it is reusing plastic! And all the kitchen waste/wasted food is put into these composting units called Aaga Composters and after a few months, this kitchen waste turns into organic manure which is used to fertilise all the plants on our school campus. These are just examples of how Round Square helps the environment.

4) Did you have someone who inspired you to do this?

Ans-Round Square is very student led so most of the newcomers into Round Square get encouraged and inspired by the older students who are heading Round Square and its activities. In some activities in Round Square, some inspirational figures who are helping the environment or society are introduced to some of the students.

5) Are you enjoying making a difference? What do you feel?

Ans-I enjoy spreading awareness and promoting Round Square and saving/helping our world as while doing that, we are also encouraging and hopefully inspiring other grades to make a difference as well. Round Square is helping to make a positive impact which is something I urge everyone to do.

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